Faith UMC 2015 Mission & Vision Devotions – June 2015

June 2015

This is What Anointing Looks Like

Scriptures, Reflections, & Prayers for Faith UMC’s Mission & Vision

“They brought wellness to the sick, anointing their bodies, healing their spirits.”  Mark 6:13, The Message

oil_11349cp (1)This passage from the book of Mark describes what happened when Jesus sent the disciples out in pairs. Jesus instructed and empowered the disciples to proclaim that people needed to change their hearts and lives. As they brought wellness to the sick, anointing their bodies and healing their spirits, the name of Jesus became well-known.

This summer our congregation is called and anointed to reach out to our community in Christ’s love through VBS, Camp Read-A-Lot, Created By God, Youth Mission Trip and Middle School Mission Week.

Picture a cup of cool water in your mind and imagine how it feels for your thirst to be quenched by the water.

Refreshed. Renewed. Replenished. Re-energized.

“I assure you that everybody who gives even a cup of cold water to these little ones because they are my disciples will certainly be rewarded.”  Matthew 10:40, 42

water_7530cnAs a cup of cool water refreshes our bodies, the love of Christ refreshes and renews our lives. This is the heart of what we will be sharing at Faith UMC in and through our summer ministries. We will share a cup of cool water that comes in the form of games, music, literacy and reading, Bible  adventures, science experiments, self-esteem and sexuality discussions, service and mission projects. We will make the name of Jesus known as we reach out in love to the kids and families whom God sends to us this summer. We will be anointed, spiritually strengthened, refreshed, and nourished as we experience spiritual renewal and healing in and through our summer ministries and missions.

Look for Jesus’ anointing and spiritual healing in the ways you share a cup of cool water this summer.

Prayer: Gracious and loving God, thank you for the privilege of sharing your love and grace with others. Equip and empower us to bring wellness and anointing to others so that your name will be made know. Amen. 

Kathy Schmucker, Spiritual Formation Director

June’s Prayer Focus: Loving God, strengthen and  bless Vacation Bible School and the  Youth Mission Trip.

About faithumchurch

Spiritual Formation Director at Faith United Methodist Church in North Canton, Ohio
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